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Community Impact

Community Impact Committee

In 2022, with the full support of the NSC Board of Directors, the Needham Soccer Club Community Impact Committee was launched.

Mission Statement: 

Needham Soccer Club endeavors to be a leader in community service in the town of Needham to extend player development beyond the field in support of local organizations.

Committee Chair: Deana Moreschi

– Mindy Barnes
– Lindsay Kalaw
– Rebecca Levine
– Lee Popper
– Brenda Salamone
– Meredith Siciliano

What is the Community Impact Committee?
The Community Impact initiative builds on the success of the TopSoccer, Coach Mentor program and recent club participation in other community events and aims to get players involved in volunteering to build a culture of players, coaches and teams giving back to our Needham community. This will continue to strengthen our relationship with organizations in the town while building team camaraderie and a sense of personal accomplishment.

How can coaches, teams and players get involved?
Listed below are some of the Needham organizations that Needham Soccer Club teams have worked with in the past.  You may also contact anyone on the committee for ideas to get started. Or, create your own idea that sparks your interest!

Please share images from your event and tag Needham Soccer Club so we can celebrate your accomplishment on our website and social media channels.

We encourage players and teams to get involved and hope to make these events an integral part of our teams’ soccer season every year. We will begin presenting a new annual NSC Community Service award at our Coach Appreciation Night to recognize a coach, team or player who demonstrates the values identified in our Mission by participating in volunteer opportunities this season.

Needham Community Council
Contact: Sandra Robinson

Opportunities for donation collection, preparing birthday bags to accompany weekly deliveries and Valentine’s day cards/bags to residents who are homebound during the winter months

Needham Department of Public Works Parks Department  

Contact: Fabien Desrouleaux 781-455-7930 Ext. 208 

Opportunities for community cleanup

Generic Ministry

Opportunities for donation collection(food, toiletries, clothing) and premade lunches regularly

Needham Park and Recreation 
Stacey Mulroy, Director 781-455-7930

Opportunities for volunteers for various community events

Needham Senior Center 
Contact Jessica Moss, Assistant Director 781-455-7555 Ext 212 for volunteer opportunities

Ellie Fund- www.elliefund.org
Executive Director, Meredith Mendelson  Meredith@elliefund.org

Equipment Drive
with M.A.P.
Contact – info@massathlete.com

Jog For Your Memory
5k Run For Alzheimers

Train With Needham HS Varsity

NSC Bake Sales

Be sure to share your photos with Needham Soccer Club and tag us in your social media posts!   Email your photos to admin@needhamsoccerclub.com so we can feature you on our social pages and our web site.

Upcoming & Past Team Events / Initiatives

Click/tap below to read more about some of the previous initiatives NSC teams have been involved in.

© 2024 Copyright Needham Soccer Club