NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS | August 24, 2023 6:00 pm | Matt Murray
NSC Announces Change in NSCCL Structure for Fall 2023 Season!

As a result of some tremendous growth in this program (with more teams competing in this league now than ever before), some change to our structure is necessary to help… View Article
As a result of some tremendous growth in this program (with more teams competing in this league now than ever before), some change to our structure is necessary to help us continue to provide our players and coaches within this program with the autonomy support they need to continue their development!

Starting this Fall 2023 Season, we will no longer be holding our Saturday Morning NSCCL Clinic with the Revolution Academy. Instead, these bi-weekly clinics will now take place during the week in replace of traditional team practices!
So while our “Saturday Morning NSCCL Clinic” will become our “Weeknight NSCCL Clinic”, everything about the design of the clinics will remain the same! Meaning, 2 NSCCL Teams will be assigned to work with 1 Revolution Academy Coach. The Revolution Academy Coaches will take the lead and, with support from our NSCCL Coaches, will run both teams through a series of activities from our professionally designed training curriculum for the night.
In order to offset the “lost practice night” during the weeks teams are assigned to have a “Weeknight Revs Clinic”, NSC will utilize the Saturday morning time at DeFazio Park for our NSCCL Coaches to hold a team practice. The practices are not mandatory but available to NSCCL Coaches to use as they see fit during the season.
What does that mean for your schedule?
For example: During a “Boys Clinic Week” all our Boys NSCCL Teams in the 3/4th & 5/6th grade age groups will have a “Weeknight Clinic” with the Revolution Academy instead of their traditional team practice. However, each team will be assigned a practice time the following Saturday morning to replace their “lost” team practice time during that week and the boys games will be scheduled for Sunday.
During that same week, our Girls teams would just have their team practice as scheduled and play their games on Saturday.
Additional opportunity for professional coaching support!
In an effort to provide even further support to our NSCCL coaches without compromising their autonomy, NSC plans to have Revolution Academy Coaches on site Saturday mornings to provide coaching support to any NSCCL Coach that would like it! The Revs Coaches will NOT be there to run a session for any one team or group of teams. Instead, they will be on site to help coaches review their practice plans, make adjustments or recommendations to an activity, bounce some ideas off or simply provide feedback on a session IF a NSCCL Coach would like.

While we are excited about all the benefits this change will bring to everyone in this program, we want to thank you all in advance for your help in working with us through these changes. There are many logistical challenges that will always have an impact on what we can do but we’re hopeful that this change will be another step in the right direction and allow us to continue to provide the balance of autonomy & support to our players and coaches that has helped create such positive environments for everyone involved!
More information regarding this an all our core programs for the fall 2023 season will be sent to ALL club members via email over the coming days/weeks. Please keep a close eye on all club messages as we prepare for another FUN fall season!
Head over to our “Schedules” page for a complete list of all our Fall 2023 schedules. Some details are still pending field permits but we will be sure to update everything ASAP!
In the meantime, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to anyone of our staff!