Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA)


The Needham Soccer Club is proud to be a committed partner of the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA). Through the club’s partnership with PCA, NSC is focused on providing quality “Double-Goal Coaching” for all participants.

All NSC coaches are required to obtain PCA certification via either a live, or online workshop. 

About PCA

The Positive Coaching Alliance is national non-profit developing “Better Athletes, Better People”, by working to provide all youth and high school athletes a positive character building youth sports experience.

Since it’s 1998 launch at Stanford University by founder and CEO Jim Thompson, PCA has impacted more than 5 million youth athletes. PCA reaches youth and high school sport leaders, coaches, athletes, parents and officials through partnerships with school and youth sports organizations nationwide that comprise of live workshops, online courses, Thompson’s books and e-communications, providing free tips and tools.


To Take The Online Workshop

1. CLICK HERE to open the PCA Registration page
2. Click “Register with voucher code” (Option #1)
3. Enter the organization voucher code – NeedhamSports17 (case sensitive) at the top of the page and complete the form
4. Upon completing the registration you will be directed to the Double-Goal Coach course.

For visual instructions – CLICK HERE

Policy Statement

PCA Seal


As an authorized representative of Needham Soccer Club, Needham, MA, we declare it  our policy to institute the principles of Double-Goal Coaching® throughout our organization.

  • We will ensure that all coaches are certified as Positive Coaching Alliance Double-Goal Coaches, who strive to win and to teach youth athletes enduring life lessons. All of our coaches will complete a comprehensive course (either live or online) in Positive Coaching principles to earn or renew their certification.
  • Our leaders shall inform all parents about the Seal of Commitment.
  • All coaches will receive a copy of the Double-Goal Coach Job Description
  • We will display the PCA Honor the Game banner and/or signage at all appropriatefunctions, such as games, fundraisers and registration events.

This policy recognizes that certified Double-Goal Coaches are paramount to transforming the culture of youth sports and demonstrates our commitment to helping our coaches succeed, while offering all youth athletes a positive, character-building experience.

Jim Thompson, Founder/Executive Director
Positive Coaching Alliance

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